Monday, May 30, 2011


The Israel trip planning is moving along fine. Many people have signed up already. Currently, we have 17 confirmed and a total of 13 additional who are on the list having expressed great interest. Please note an important change - as the rabbi began to be involved with the planning of the itinerary, he noted an important issue with the date of the trip. Previously, the trip would been covering 2 shabbats in Israel, which meant at least one less day of sightseeing due to closures and travel restrictions on shabbat. Therefore, we have changed the dates of the trip to March 10-21, 2012. This gives us one less shabbat and one more day of sightseeing.

Make you plans now! Space is filling quickly. You can contact the presidents, the rabbi, or Anita Rosnick or Paul Antell with an questions or if you need an application form.

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